The old BBC Car Park on Wood Lane is being demolished, and a lot of locals aren't happy about it. In particular, those living at the top of Macfarlane Rd are experiencing considerable noise, disruption and damage. One local resident even had a ceiling collapse, caused by the vibrations from the demolition.
Demolition of the site is being carried out by Cantillon, overseen by developer Stanhope, who publish a regular newsletter (see left) to keep locals abreast of events.
What should local residents do if their pictures fall off the walls and the ceilings cave in when demolition begins? The answer to the problem is not clear. The car park is a massive reinforced concrete structure and demolition was always going to be a nasty business. Should we seek to have it stopped? Or speeded up?
For now, it seems likely that all that most of us can do it grit our teeth - and hope the job gets done soon.