Monday 20 February 2023

Partial Closure Order of Shepherd's Bush Green to Close 27 Feb

PCO on Shepherd's Bush Green expires on 27 Feb
The Partial Closure Order imposed on Shepherd's Bush Green in November will expire at the end of the month, on February 27.

The PCO has been a part of a concerted attempt by the police to clean up Shepherd's Bush Green, by using extra powers to move on the drunks and drug dealers.

Of course, in some ways this just moves the problem on, but at least it shows action on the part of the police to deal with anti-social behaviour.  You can read more about it at the official LBHF site here.

Sunday 19 February 2023

Yoo Capital "Public Exhibitions" on 25-28 Feb 2023

Yoo Capital, the owners of Shepherd's Bush Market, are hosting a series of "Public Exhibitions" - in-person consultations with members of the public to view their new plans for Shepherd's Bush Market. 

The Public Exhibitions take place on Saturday February 25 at 2.30pm, and on Monday 27 February and Tuesday 28 February at 7.30pm.

Local residents are particularly welcome, as Yoo Capital seeks local support for its development plans.

Yoo Capital has been consulting with the public for over two years now;  as early as 2020 they organised Zoom calls with the public to air their early ideas for the development of the market and the wider area - and to receive feedback. 

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Beware Uxbridge Rd Speed Cameras

Speed Camera on the Uxbridge Rd
New speed cameras are in action on the Uxbridge Rd - enthusiastic harvesters of tickets that will hunt you down if you go as fast as... 25mph. 

Most of the time you can't travel over 5mph on the Uxbridge Rd due to the weight of traffic, as it's usually pretty much gridlock. But on rare occasions - like Sunday mornings when the road is free of traffic - you can travel faster than a crawl, and whizz along at - the excitement! - more than 20mph.