Saturday, 21 November 2015

What's (Not) Happening to Hammersmith Park? - Find Out on Monday 23 November at 7pm

Hammersmith Park
In September we reported that there was good news for Hammersmith Park, but expressed some skepticism that the proposed works would begin on October 5th, as promised by the Council.  Sadly our pessimistic view has proved right, and nothing much seems to be happening to get the project underway - no construction work has yet started.  Anyone who has an interest in the future of Hammersmith Park should attend the Community Advisory Board meeting on Monday Monday 23 November at 7pm.

Hammersmith Park
What is this meeting all about?
It's a meeting to discuss developments at Hammersmith Park with the local community. 

Where and when is it happening?
The meeting is being held on Monday 23rd November from 7pm at the QPR ground (meeting at main reception on South Africa Road). 

What is on the agenda?
According to an email from Mr Jardine Finn, who is Sports Development Manager at the Safer Neighbourhood Division in the Environmental Services Department of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (snappy job title!), the first half hour will be "a discussion to identify the community representatives for the board, and a deputy in case of absence." 

He goes on to write: "They will represent the following interest groups; White City Residents, Other Residential areas south of the park,  Football clubs from White City."

The Council intends to set up a body to be called the Hammersmith Park Community Advisory Board (HPCAB), whose purpose will be to:
  • Monitor, and discuss the teams/groups/clubs that are using the free pitches to ensure that they are conforming to the free use requirements. Taking action against any teams/groups/clubs where necessary
  • Discuss and agree action for any individuals/groups that are not conforming to the Free Pitch Community Rules or causing a general nuisance
  • Promote the free use pitches with the aim that they are used by a wide variety of people from the White City Community (and surrounding area as described in Section 3 of the CUA) and that the pitches are used to capacity at peak times
  • Take responsibility for verifying that the teams/clubs/groups chosen to have free pitch time allocated, meet the criteria as defined in section 6 of the CUA. This must be verified and proved to the football operating company. If the HPCAB cannot verify this (by showing proof of address for all players to the football operating company) the football operating company has the right to refuse that club access to the 3 free use 5aside community pitches
  • For the review of community use complaints, dispute resolution and managing conflict
Other items on Mr Finn's agenda include:

1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Agreement of members of Board (up to 30 mins)
3. Agreement of constitution
4. Discussion about matters yet to be decided
5. Thoughts on Tennis & MUGA planning and consultation
6. Arrangement of a site meeting
7. Future meeting date(s)
8. AOB

Evenings like this tend not to be exciting, but they are important. Virginia Ironside, who has done much to maintain to the future of Hammersmith Park, is unable to attend and neither am I, unfortunately.  Hopefully other local residents who care about the future of the park will be able to attend, and make sure that the local community's voice is heard.


1 comment:

  1. This just in from Ian Ross:

    Dear Mr Williams,
    Thank you for your email. Works at the Hammersmith Park Play Football project have now been underway for a number of weeks with considerable progress being made.
    In terms of further improvements for the park, at present the Council does not have any funding but we are exploring a number of options and are hopeful that we will be able to deliver some improvements, including to the children’s playground, in the future.
    Kind regards,
    Ian Ross
    Parks Manager
    Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
    London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
